Here I answer to the following common questions: What is Heroism about? How I found my own? Why am I called Meta Satori ?
Hand drawing about the 3 pillars: the Light, the Love and the Universe.
The Hero’s way
The ancient philosophical figure of the Hero, like Heracles, represent the transcending of Human nature: it was said that Heroes are half-Human and half-God.
In the modern era, the Hero narrative still applies to every Human story. Just look at our mainstream blockbusters: Harry Potter, Matrix, Lord of the Rings…
The inner call of the Hero is so strong that they can’t refuse it; and they always feel more complete once they have found their way, defeated their demons and reached the “treasure”.
By finding our Hero within and liberating it, we can live much more fulfilling lives. Although it doesn’t have to be formally achieved, there are ways to take on the journey and walk steadily toward our ideals.
It is a quest of Harmony, between:
the Mind, the Heart and the Body
Me, the Others and the World
Developing Consciousness, Connection and Courage
It’s the purpose of the Heroes Academy to guide individuals to find their calling :
Finding my Hero
Now, as an example, I’ve shared here the different steps and results of my ongoing journey, from the intention (WHY) to the actions (WHAT):
The highest spiritual intention I’ve found, until today, is :
Happiness in Holistic Harmony
It’s what Simon Sinek would call “the WHY".
In a practical way it can formulate like :
Humanity United in Diversity acting in a sustainable, fair and autonomous society toward Happiness in Holistic Harmony.
This already reveals the potentiality of contributions, the HOW.
Which when I let resonate with my individual characteristics and the Hero's values brings the following guiding figure:
All the action verbs are guides to the projects and actions (the WHAT) I take in my life to be aligned.
The result is a high sense of Holistic integrity, a feeling of Harmony, often intertwined with Happiness.
Why “Meta Satori” ?
The Hero inside should symbolize the best of me.
The name I’ve chosen should also represent it and feel right.
Méta: prefix to indicate a concept which is an abstraction behind another concept. Just like Albert Einstein said "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it”. Approaching every aspect of life with #Philosophy, I’m often juggling to connect concepts for larger understanding: so this prefix is dear to me. / #Consciousness
Metta: means benevolence, loving-kindness, friendliness, amity, good will, and active interest in others. It is a part of the meditation technique I use daily (#Vipassana) / #Connection
Both pronounce similar so I associated them to form my nickname.
Similarly, I associated the yellow (Light) and the red (Love) to have the orange, my favorite color.
Satori: the inner, intuitive experience of Enlightenment, of pure connection to the instant, the flow of existence. Would it be surfing, meditating, volunteering, making love or every other moments of life, may I be fully present in the moment, open to what is and what is bound to emerge.
These words are very strong, deep and spiritual. They are my guides and I formulate them to walk in the direction of my ideal.